Gabe Walford
21 Mar 2013
I really enjoyed seeing it being physically adapted!
My site: http://gabrielwalford.com
Glad you found such a great use for it!
Gary Green
March, 03, 2013:
Thanks for letting me know Jean. I'd forgotten I'd written this, so it was really nice to see that someone was able to make use of it/adapt it for this creative use. I'm really pleased. It's made my day - thanks. :-)
Dear Gabriela
I just wanted to tell you that I enjoyed your performance piece that used a piece of software I created and was adapted by Jean Gilbert. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmZlBpq-Mjc I'd never expected it would be used in this way and I'm really pleased that it was.
Thank you,
Gary Green
Aris Bezas
11 Mar 2013
Hi Jean,
Thank you for the honor to play with sketch. Very beautiful performance. For any development I am at your service.
Maxime Gaillard
3 Mar 2013
I'm glad that you found it usefull !
March, 20, 2013:
...wow - sensationell!! Hammerhart. Den Avatar tanzen lassen....
Was es nicht alles gibt. Aber abgesehen davon wie es gemacht ist - es sieht wirklich gut aus....
Lieben Gruß
Ludwig ( http://www.sterntaenzer.de )
March, 20, 2013:
Es ist sehr spannend. Deine page schaut wirklich professionell aus, eure music ist geil. Bin super gegeistert.
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